Contact us on : +91 87939 88121 |

5F FARMING – CONFERENCE 2021 - Cancelled Due to COVID-19


The Program is organized for Practicing Plant breeders, Industry leaders, Crop Science Researchers, Academic faculty and leaders, Farmers/Agriculturists, Opinion leaders and Policy experts, Government officials/Administrators, Marketing & Extension professionals and Students.


Agriculture has always been challenged by the need to develop climate resilient, high yielding crop varieties for Food, Feed, Fiber, Fuel & Fine chemicals (5F). Post COVID-19 scenario is likely to be highly stressful for all sectors including agriculture due to disruption on the availability of seasonal workers, supply chain interruptions, cash-strapped start-ups, logistic issues ect. Some of these disruptive spurs, which may remain even after the pandemic ends, have brought a new dimension of awareness to risk preparedness, co-dependencies and the risks in the pursuit of efficiency.

This is the time to ‘Realign Indian Agriculture for a Sustainable Future’ , through redefining the performance metrics for the robustness of agribusiness, create resilient markets for economic sustainability and shorten food travel for adequate food availability. Agriculture should be poised for recovery through implementation of innovative policies and strategies, acquisition of science and technology, development of local content, and tailor made local solutions to kickstart the sustainable development of agriculture. Some of the key considerations for ‘Realigning Indian Agriculture for a Sustainable Future’ are:

  • Comprehensive integration of cutting-edge science and precision technology required for the sustainability and tapping full potential of agriculture stake holders
  • Value chains must be diversified to meet the evolving consumer preferences, enhance nutritional intake, and develop market for new consumer - preferred products
  • Agriculture and food processing industry must be strengthened locally through successful FPO models to ensure future rural prosperity for development
  • Reprioritizing skills sector and technology interventions for continuous learning as the key aspects to boost - individual and industrial agility to meet current and future challenges
  • Array of policy reform required to support agriculture, input and output value chains, and remunerative markets to farmers to ensure national food and nutrition security
  • Attract young and capable professionals to build a resilient ecosystem for sustainable primary and secondary agriculture ecosystem in the country

We expect keynote and invited speakers who will review the recent developments in enabling technologies that are needed to realign agriculture for primary production, value addition and targeted marketing strategies of the products to increase profitability to the farmers and attract talented and dynamic youth to join the work force of agriculture. Experts will also discuss the marketing related challenges faced by the grower, and formulate the strategies to strengthen policies favoring secondary agriculture development in India. The conference will provide a perfect platform for Scientists, Industry Leaders, Policy-Makers, Farmers, Students and other stakeholders for networking and to learn from each other for a better tomorrow.


All the attendees are invited to submit their abstract for poster display during the conference.


There will be an opportunity for manufacturers, suppliers, technologist to showcase their product and service to vital seed industry and market.


  • 01.00 pm - 03.00 pm Conference registration
  • 03.00 pm - 04.30 pm Session I - Conference Inauguration
  • 05.00 pm - 06.00 pm Vision Lecture
  • 06.00 pm - 07.30 pm Inauguration of Exhibition
  • 07.30 pm - 09.00 pm Welcome Reception (Dinner)
  • 08.00 am - 09.30 am Registration
  • 01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Session II – Sustainable Crop Improvement
  • 01.00 pm - 02.00 pm Lunch Break
  • 12.15 pm – 03.00 pm Session III - Modern Technology & Biotic Resistance (GMO & Non-GMO)
  • 03.00 pm - 03.15 pm Break
  • 03.15 pm – 04.15 pm Session IV: Making Organic Farming Sustainable
  • 04.15 pm - 04.30 pm Break
  • 04.30 pm – 05.30 pm Plenary Talk
  • 05.30 pm - 07.00 pm Poster Session
  • 07.00 pm - 09.30 pm Networking Dinner
  • 8.30 am - 9.30 am Registration
  • 9.30 am - 11.30 am Session IV- Automation for Smallholder Farmer & Breeders
  • 11.00 am - 11.15 am Break
  • 11.45 am - 1.00 pm Panel Discussion – FPO’s and Marketing Strategies for Doubling Farmer Incomes
  • 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm Lunch Break
  • 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm Panel Discussion - Skill development & Entrepreneurship/Start-ups in Agriculture
  • 6.15 pm - 5.00 pm Valedictory Session
  • Puri-Konark Visit / Lab visit

Organizing Committee Members

Dr P. K. Agrawal


FNAAS (Vice Chancellor, OUAT)

Dr. K.K. Narayanan


(Co-Founder Director, ATPBR)

Dr. Ajay Parida


(Director - Institute of Life Sciences, Dept of Biotechnology, GOI)

Dr. Mrutyunjay Suar


(Director - School of Biotechnology KIIT University)

Dr. S K Tikoo

Chair-Program Committee

Co-Founder Tierra Seeds Science pvt ltd

Dr. Aparna Tiwari


Co- Founder and Director - ATPBR

Dr. Sharad Angadi


R & D Adviser- Ankur Seeds Pvt Ltd

Dr. M Kachole


Co-Founder Director ATPBR

Mr. Prashant Belgamvar


(Business Director South Asia, Advanta India Ltd)

Dr. CL Laxmipathi Gowda


(Co-Founder of the GRSV Consulting Service)

Dr. Girish Patil


Manager R & D - East West Seeds India Pvt Ltd.

Dr. Krishna Prasad


Breeding & Research lead Tierra Seeds Science pvt ltd

Dr. C Chaporkar


Advisor- mahyco

Dr. Arvind K. Mishrai


Co- Founder and Director - ATPBR

Mr. V Ravichandram


Progressive Farmer

Dr. B. M. Khadi


(President, ISARD)

Mr. S Deshpande


Managing Partner - Silvia seeds inc

Dr. Kshirod K. Jena


(Professor Emeritus, KIIT School of Biotechnology)

Dr. Gopal Chowdhary


(Assist Prof, KIIT School of Biotechnology)

Dr. Mrunmay Giri


(Assist Prof, KIIT School of Biotechnology)

Dr L. M. Garnayak


(Dean, Extension Education, OUAT)

Dr K. C. Barik


(Dean of Research, OUAT)

Dr. Dipankar Maiti


(Director, ICAR-NRRI)

Mr. Promod Kadakol


(General Manager, Corteva AgriScience)

Mr. R Mallikarjun


Managing Partner - Atlas Seeds & Service

Dr. R.M Sundaram


Principal Scientist (ICAR-IIRR)

Dr. Manish Bhatnagar


R&D Head Enza Zaden India Pvt Ltd

Organized by

Foundation for Advanced Training in Plant Breeding (ATPBR)
in association with
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT)
Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT)
Institute of Life Sciences (ILS)


Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT)
( JANUARY 7 - 11, 2021 )

Please address all future communications and further enquires related to the conference to:
Organizing Secretary:
Email:, Tel: +91 8793988121

Registration Fees for conference

Registration for the conference will be open from 15th September 2020

Sr No Registration Type Early Bird Rates Till (Oct 31st) Regular Rates Till (Oct 31st) On Sit
1 Indian Participan ₹4000 ₹4500 ₹5500
2 Foregin Participan $180 $200 $220
3 Student ₹1000 ₹1200 ₹2000

* Registration for a single day is also available at the site. The following rates apply: Indian participants, 3000/-; Foreign participants, $150/- and Students, 600/-

Note: 18% GSTwill be applicable on all fees categories


Sr Detail No Amount (Lac)
1 Gold 2 5.0
2 Networking/Gala Dinner 1 3.0
3 Silver 3 1.5
4 Bronze 5 1.5
5 Lunch 2 1.0
6 Award Sponsors 4 0.75
7 Branding on Conference Pen, notepad 1 0.30
8 Branding on Conference Batch 1 0.25
9 Exhibitors 10 0.25

Gold Sponsor


Dr Jackie Hughes


Dr. Binay Kumar Choudhury

Dr. Meera K. Kar

Principal Scientist, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack

Dr. Padmanaban Govindarajan

Mr R.S. Hiremath

MD, Flexitron

Dr. Kshirod K. Jena

Professor Emeritus, School of Biotechnology, KIIT University

Mr. Shekhar Bhadsavle

Founder and Managing Trustee, Saguna Rice Technique (SRT) and Saguna Rural Foundation (SRF)