Contact us on : +91 87939 88121 |

What We Do

Professional Training

There are three categories of competencies that we target to inculcate among plant breeding professionals:
  • Conventional & molecular approaches which are currently applied in plant breeding domain,
  • Futuristic technology and
  • Management practices to fully reap the benefit of above two. Synergy between all three components would be the best combination. Participants can choose any combo-pack which suits them best depending on their experience, interest or professional requirement or generate their own personalized pack.
All training programmes are enriched with rigorous yet interactive mode and help participants to stay abreast with latest business trends. We strongly believe that our programmes will help you to drive your growth across the organizations.

Sponsored Program

Resourceful entities including seed industries, government organization, individual or international organization are welcome to sponsor program related to extensive research, market survey, mass training, awareness session, conference, workshop or other outreach activities in order to reach farmers, marketers, processors, consumers, and policy makers and support their product marketing, groom employees, penetrate market, create awareness, set the direction for future investment or meet any objective they have set for their organization.

Promote agri-business entrepreneurs

ATPBR is committed to promote agri-business entrepreneurs as it is the need of the time to 1. Reduce the burden on agriculture, 2. Generate employment opportunities for the rural youth, 3. Reduce the need of migration from rural to urban areas, thereby reducing pressure on urban cities, 4. Increase individual and national income.
We are promoting agri- entrepreneurs by professional consultancy, mentoring support, incubation support and financial support

Professional Training

There are three categories of competencies that we target to inculcate among plant breeding professionals:
  • Conventional & molecular approaches which are currently applied in plant breeding domain,
  • Futuristic technology and
  • Management practices to fully reap the benefit of above two. Synergy between all three components would be the best combination. Participants can choose any combo-pack which suits them best depending on their experience, interest or professional requirement or generate their own personalized pack.
All training programmes are enriched with rigorous yet interactive mode and help participants to stay abreast with latest business trends. We strongly believe that our programmes will help you to drive your growth across the organizations.

Other services

Promote open communication through conference, workshop, meeting, discussion and other activities for the knowledge centric networking and exchange of innovative ideas
  • Mentorship Program: Help passionate potential candidate to find expert professional/s who can assist them to excel in their career.
  • Sponsorship Program: To limit the influence of financial constrain to earn the competencies, we provide sponsorship and help potential candidate to groom their career.
  • Promote agri-business entrepreneurs: Foster the innovation through promotion and intellectual support and help to configure formal or informal support-system to execute the ideas into product/service.
  • Association program: ATPBR encourages like minded people (i.e. organization, individual professional/entrepreneur, students, and farmers) to network and work comprehensively to meet the common target of global food security.