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“I feel honored and privileged to receive the APSA Recognition Award for Most Influential Plant Breeding Researcher in the Asia Pacific Seed Sector. I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my erstwhile colleagues at Nunhems and other industry professionals at Noble Seeds and H M Clause India Pvt Ltd for nominating me for this prestigious award, and to members of the jury of the awards committee at APSA for considering me worthy of this recognition. Being a part of the seed industry for the past 27 years I feel I have made my humble contributions towards its betterment using my subject knowledge and practical experiences gained in the public and private sectors
My plant breeding education from the great teachers at College of Agriculture Dharwad, TNAU Coimbatore and IARI New Delhi shaped me up very well. My grateful thanks to these alma maters and the teachers there. Fifteen years of , my association with the ICAR Institutes – Directorate of Oilseed Research, Hyderabad and the Indian Institute Horticultural Research, Bangalore as Agricultural Research Service Scientist provided me with the apt atmosphere and opportunities for practical applications of the principles of plant breeding. I learnt various aspects of crop improvement from my seniors and peers in the diverse disciplines, that helped me to develop a holistic view about my profession. My thanks to them all.
My foray in to the private seed sector through Pro Agro – PGS an Indo Belgian Joint Venture gave me the glimpses of multiple facets of the seed industry and major success factors and taught valuable lessons. Entering Nunhems with requisite knowledge and necessary skills I made efforts to initiate programs, monitor them and support the research teams in achieving their goals effectively and efficiently. I could build a team of dedicated scientists fully committed to their programs and kept them motivated with the support of local and global managers. My role as global head of pepper research programs gave me the unique opportunity to interact and manage research teams with cultural diversities of Asia Pacific (Thailand Indonesia South Korea and China), Middle East (Turkey, Israel) Europe (Netherlands, Italy, and Spain) Mexico, and USA Retrospection of the path traversed fills me with a sense of pride and satisfaction of having done my job well. The success happened because of the teams that were very cooperative and responsive to my suggestions and helped me to put my ideas and thoughts in to action with valuable inputs of their own. I was always open to their ideas and suggestions for improvement and we decided and agreed upon the research programs together and carried them forward as joint actions. This participatory approach kept them enthused and made their work enjoyable. Frequent and friendly interactions that I facilitated among members of my R&D crop teams, with the respective Product Development, Seed production and Marketing and Sales teams helped in forging harmonious relationships and helped in successful promotion of the innovative products profitably.
On this momentous occasion I would like to acknowledge the contributions of each and every individual member of my R&D team and other teams at Nunhems. We charted the course of our success and triumphed together. I am very glad to see many scientists who were part of my team at Nunhems occupying key positions in several national and multinational seed companies. They have grown in their professional stature by their sheer hard work, imbibing several good personal qualities from their team mates but would like to attribute their success to my support. I am happy that I could be of help in their growth. After completion of my active service with Nunhems, I gladly accepted the idea of a senior colleague at Nunhems Netherlands to develop courses on commercial plant breeding for the in house training of the breeders in the company and worked on it for two years to build several lesson modules covering almost all aspects of breeding, besides my R&D advisory responsibilities. These lessons triggered in me the idea to continue imparting proper knowledge and awareness about plant breeding to the working and aspiring breeders. Currently I am glad to be active in my profession by way of advice and support to the vegetable breeders at Ankur seeds Nagpur from 2017 onwards in revamping their breeding programs and am able to continue my mission of spreading proper plant breeding knowledge together with four friends with more than three decades of experience in public and private sectors through ATPBR (Advanced Training in Plant Breeding) a not for profit foundation.
All through my growth as a plant breeder and as a team leader over the years I have received tremendous support and encouragement from my wife Sunanda and daughter Sahana and on this occasion would like to acknowledge their constant and continued help
Thus, plant breeding has been and continues to be my passion and I would like to serve it to the best of my ability. I am thankful to APSA for recognizing my humble efforts through this award.
I accept it with all the humility I can muster as a recognition for the exemplary efforts of my teams.”
Thanks to you APSA.
Source – Mr. Sharan Angadi
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